Initially, it is an ERC-20 functional token that can be used for transactions, staking, accessing advanced features, etc. In the future, it will have profit-sharing and governance capabilities.
Functions of $LEAP:
A pass for various LeapFi services.
Unlocks advanced investment features in LeapFi.
Grants profit-sharing rights for various LeapFi services.
Acts as an evidence of rights for governing the LeapFi protocol.
Serves financial purposes such as value storage, exchange, leverage, staking, and more for $LEAP itself.
Definition of $LEAP
Initially an ERC-20 utility token, it will acquire profit-sharing and governance features as the protocol matures.
Functions of $LEAP
Access pass for various LeapFi services.
Unlocking advanced investment features of LeapFi.
Rights to profit-sharing from LeapFi services.
Certificate for governance rights in the LeapFi protocol.
Financial applications including value storage, exchange, leverage, and collateralization of $LEAP itself.
$LEAP Token Release Schedule
A total of 100M $LEAP tokens will be released to the market over five years (260 weeks).
First 26 weeks: 2% of $LEAP is provided weekly as a stability incentive.
From week 27 to 260: The release reduces linearly on a block-by-block basis until the end of the fifth year (week 260).
Definition of $esLEAP
$esLEAP (Escrowed LEAP) is an ERC-20 token set to be unlocked as $LEAP.
Functions of $esLEAP
$esLEAP possesses all rights of $LEAP, excluding "transfer." Reference is made to $LEAP's description for these rights.
Unlocking $esLEAP
$esLEAP will non-linearly unlock into $LEAP over the course of 2 year.
$esLEAP is designed to prevent immediate market dumping after receiving the token, thereby preserving the token's value and the overall interests of the community.
$esLEAP will be the initial token distributed for team releases to investors, users, incentives, rewards, and all other activities. Both early investors and the team will adhere to the $esLEAP guidelines to maintain the token price and the interests of the entire community.